dog eat doug

Blanket Bliss Brawl: Canine Craves Comfort After Shnurble Spree

Free daily comics: Puppy Sophie rubs all over a blanket.
Free Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie rolls around in the blanket.
Free daily Comics: Off panel, Mom yells, "Sophie!!! What are you doing to my blanket?!!" Sophie says, "I already got all the shnurbles out of mine."

Snuggle Stealer! Dog Eat Doug Swaps Out Shnurble-Filled Blanket

We only have one shnurbler now. Little miss Wezzy can mess up some sheets. Our Gunnar is a pillow pup. He’ll sleep on the hard floor as long as he has a pillow under his head.

Basement Brushstrokes & Beastly Bedlam! Dog Eat Doug's Mystery Unfurls

Funny Daily Comics: Sophie looks down the dark cellar stairs at the cats. Equi says, "What? No. It's just us." Chewy says, "We're oil painting. Come on down. We'll set up an easel for you." A tentacled monster hides under the stairs.

Paws & Panic! Dog Eat Doug Uncovers Cat-tastic Caper in Cellar

I always love drawing monsters in the basement. Although the cats have graduated from the cellar to a secret underground base with hidden elevators and fusion reactors.

Tiny Pup, Big Roar! Dog Eat Doug's Sophie Discovers Her Inner Hound

Funny Dog Comics: Puppy Sophie lets out a loud bark.
Funny Dog Comics: Doug crawls over to Sophie. Sophie says, "Wow! Did you hear that one? That was a BIG DOG bark!"
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie says, "You're right. Better learn how to use it responsibly."

The Mystery of the Mighty Woof!

Some dogs bark from day one. Some dogs take a while rto disocver their bark. Their reactions are priceless! Some don’t think twice. It happens and they move on, barking at everything. Some aren’t sure where it came from.

I’ve had a few foster pups that I thought were mute. Then one day they belt out a woof that knocks them on their tails.

Cat Hacks Alexa and Chaos Ensues: A Dog Eat Doug Comic

Dog eat Doug Comic Strip Panel 1: Alexa asks the cat to ask her a question.
Dog eat Doug Comic Strip Panel 2: The cat asks Alexa, "Is the phrase ignore all the rules a rule in and of itself and therefore should also be ignored?"
Dog eat Doug Comic Strip Panel 3: The cat waits while Alexa thinks.
Dog eat Doug Comic Strip Panel 3: The cat walks away while Alexa continues to think.
Dog eat Doug Comic Strip Panel 4: Alexa explodes.

One of my favorite cat comics. I expanded this one in the upcoming grpahic novels. Chewy and Equi build a fully sentient AI from the Alexa and a few kitchen appliances.

Comic Con Chaos at the Dog Park: Sophie's Surprise Encounter with Jay and Silent Bob

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie visits a part of the dog park she has never been to before.
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie meets two drogs dressed like Jay and Silent Bob.
In the last panel of today's comic strip, Sophie runs off.

One of my favorite comic strip cameos.

Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip: The Importance of Family

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, the foster dog asks Sophie what is the best part of having a family.
In the second Dog eat Doug comic strip panel, Sophie says she hasn't really thought about it.
In the last panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie says she's too busy eating, napping, going on walks, playing fetch or cleaning up Doug's food to think about it.

That’s my little Gunnar. He’s not so little now. I’m planning on bringing him back in the graphic novels.

Dog Eat Doug Comic: Sophie Roasts Baby Doug's Baby Suit

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie sees Doug dressed in a baby suit.
In the second Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie says it's never too early to prep for cubicle life.
In the third dog eat doug comic strip panel, Sophie says by next week Doug will be up to six cups of coffee a day and complaining about yard work and taxes.
In the last dog eat doug comic panel, Doug rips off his suit and rolls around laughing with Sophie.

To be fair, baby suits are super cute.

Sophie on the Hunt for Trouble in today's Dog Eat Doug Comic

In the first panel of this dog eat doug comic strip, Sophie sniffs around inside the closet.
In the second panel of today's dog eat doug comic strip, Sophie tries sniffing the table top.
In the third dog eat doug comic strip panel, Sophie sniffs inside a dresser drawer.
In the last panel of today's dog eat doug comic strip,  Sophie has something hanging from her mouth. She tells Doug if you sniff around long enough, you're bound to find something you're not supposed to have.

Probably the most accurate Sophie-ism.

The Alpha Dog Battle: Sophie vs. the New Foster Dog

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, The foster dog stands on a tree stump and tells Sophie he is the king of the stump.
In the second panel, the foster dog doesn't want to get off the stump because then Sophie would become king of the stump. Sophie wants to know what the point of being king of the stump is?
In the third comic strip panel, Sophie says its an empty title. It doesn't give you jurisdiction over anyone. The foster dog tells Sophie to give it a try.
In the final comic strip panel. Sophie gets on the stump and says she feels like a queen. She asks where the foster dog is going? The foster dog says he's going to stand on the other stump.

One thing I love about foster dogs, especially the young ones, is how smart they are without knowing how smart they are.

Dog Eat Doug: Sophie's Reign as Alpha Dog in Question

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, The foster dog asks Sophie if she is the alpha.
In the second comic strip panel, Sophie says she is, after mom. And also after Dad. And Doug.
In the third comic strip panel Sophie says the cats have their own system based on planet alignments and humidity levels.
In the last comic strip panel, Sophie says, "Other than that, she's in charge."

This was my Sophie in a nutshell.

Whimsical Wags: Discover the Cutest and Funniest Dog Cartoons to Brighten Your Day!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie asks her dad if she's told him how much she loves him lately?
In the second Dog eat Doug comic strip panel,  Sophie says she does love him a whole lot.
In the last Dog eat Doug comic strip panel, Sophie tells dad to also stay out of the kitchen, and did she mention she loves you?

Unleash the Laughter: Explore Humorous Comic Strips for Giggle-Inducing Fun and Quirky Characters!

The first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, baby Doug and Puppy Sophie sit close together. Sophie says, "Dad said we never think things through."
In the second panel of today's comic strip, baby Doug says, "Bak!"
In the final panel of today's comic strip, puppy Sophie says, "Ya, who's got time for that?"

Thankfully this never happened. Although they came close a few times.

Comic Chaos Unleashed: Hilarious 'Dog Eat Doug' Strip Captures the Joy of Messy Baby Mealtime!

In the first panel of today's free comic strip, Doug eats while sitting in his high chair. Dad says, "Buddy, you don't need a bib."
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Dad says to Doug, "You need one of those Hannibal Lecter masks."
In the third panel of the comic strip, Mom scolds Dad and Dad says he was only kidding.
In the last panel of the comic strip, Dad says, "At the very least we should consider feeding him closer to the hose."

It’s kind of true and also gives me ideas for a funny but darker strip about crazy babies.

Quantum Physics Unleashed: Cats Dive into Hilarious Adventures in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie tells one of the cats to let the mosue under his paws go free.
In the second panel of today's free comic strip, Chewy, the cat, denies having a mouse trapped under his paws. Sophie tells him to let it go or else.
In the third panel of today's comic strip, Chewy lifts a paw releasing a strange, mushroom like cloud of energy.
In the final panel of the comic strip, Chewy recovers the energy burst and tells his brother cat, "Do you think she would have believed me if I told her it was a temporal vortex?"

Nothing better than cats and quantum physics.

Caught in the Act: Doug and Sophie's Peanut Butter Mishap Revealed in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's comic strip Doug and Sophie sit close together. Doug has a weird smirk on his face.
In the second panel of the comic strip, Mom picks up Doug to check his temperature revealing an open jar behind Sophie and Doug.
In the thrid panle of the comic strip, Mom says, "What do we have here?". Sophie's look shows she knows she's been caught red handed.
In the fourth panel of the comic strip, Doug crawls back to Sophie and she says, "The one time I needed you to look cute and innocent."

Doug struggles with deception. And most dogs do too. Dogs are create at getting into trouble but hysterical at trying to cover up the crime.

Adorable Laundry Mischief: Sophie the Chocolate Lab Brings Hilarity in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In today's free comic strip, Sophie the chocolate lab sticks her head out from a full laundry basket and says, "well which is it? Do you want me to be cute or obedient?"

Thankfully I don’t have any laundry bandits these days. And to be fair, Sophie was never that destructive when it came to fresh clean clothes. Mostly she stuck to swiping socks.

Whimsical Bookstore Adventures: Dad and Baby Doug Explore Neil Gaiman's Works in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In today's free comic strip, Dad and baby Doug visit a bookstore. Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane is on display.
In the second comic strip panel, Dad suggests a bunch of book genres.
In the third comic strip panel, Dad shows Doug a copy of Dream Jumper by Lucas Turnbloom.
In the final comic strip panel, Doug says, "Bak!" and Dad says, "Of course, always start in the picture book section."

I’m surprised I didn’t set the comic strip in a book store, given how much I adore them. One of my local book shops does have a resident dog and cat. What a great premise for a story.

Friendship and Fun: Sophie and Doug Learn the Art of Sharing Toys in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panle of today's free comic strip, Sophie is rethinking her position on sharing toys while Doug plays with a stuffed sandworm from Beetlejuice.
In the second panel of today's free comic strip, Sophie declares she had come to a conclusion.
In the finla free comic strip panel, Sophie runs off with the Beetljuice sandworm toy in her mouth and says she ha concluded that all the toys hsould be hers.

I’m sure most of you guessed Doug’s toy is a stuffed sand worm from the movie, Beetlejuice.

Enchanting Adventures: Sophie and Doug Play Knights in the Free Comic Strip I've always Dog Eat Doug

In today's free comic strip, Sophie and Doug decide to be knights.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie goes off to get some knight gear.
In the third panel, Doug sits and waits.
In the fourth comic strip panel, Sophie comes back with a plunger in her mouth and tells Doug it's his sword.
In the fifth panel of the comic strip, Sophie has put a bucket on Doug's head and has a cardboard box for his armor.
In the next panel of the comic t=strip, Sophie brings an ornate bowl for Doug's Shiled.
In the next comic panel, Sophie looks at Doug covered by all the stuff.
In the last comic panel, Sophie says Knights are too high maintenance. They decide to play Smurf apocalypse instead.

I’ve always loved when Doug and Sophie delve into the fantasy world. I’ve taken this leaps forward in the graphic novels. They have room to be actual knights and go on dragon hunts. In book 2, Sophie takes three foster puppies on a Monty Python inspired dragon hunt. And that’s just the beginning.

Whimsical Delights: Sophie Stops to Smell the Flowers, and the Flowers Sniff Back in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

in the first panel of this comic strip, Sophie the chocolate lab, smells a flower.
In the second panel of this comic strip, the flower suddenly moves.
In the third panel of this comic strip, the flower sniffs Sophie.
In the fourth panel, the flower chases Sophie trying to sniff her.

Sometimes the flowers smell back.