laugh-out-loud comics

Basement Brushstrokes & Beastly Bedlam! Dog Eat Doug's Mystery Unfurls

Funny Daily Comics: Sophie looks down the dark cellar stairs at the cats. Equi says, "What? No. It's just us." Chewy says, "We're oil painting. Come on down. We'll set up an easel for you." A tentacled monster hides under the stairs.

Paws & Panic! Dog Eat Doug Uncovers Cat-tastic Caper in Cellar

I always love drawing monsters in the basement. Although the cats have graduated from the cellar to a secret underground base with hidden elevators and fusion reactors.

Whimsical Bookstore Adventures: Dad and Baby Doug Explore Neil Gaiman's Works in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In today's free comic strip, Dad and baby Doug visit a bookstore. Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane is on display.
In the second comic strip panel, Dad suggests a bunch of book genres.
In the third comic strip panel, Dad shows Doug a copy of Dream Jumper by Lucas Turnbloom.
In the final comic strip panel, Doug says, "Bak!" and Dad says, "Of course, always start in the picture book section."

I’m surprised I didn’t set the comic strip in a book store, given how much I adore them. One of my local book shops does have a resident dog and cat. What a great premise for a story.